
Neutrophils Can Reverse Brain Damage for Stroke & Spinal Injuries

Stem Cell Regeneration Center Blog, Neural Stem Cells, Research

Researchers have just announced discovering a new type of white blood cells (leukocytes) that can save dying/degenerated nerve cells and reverse damaged nerve fibers in patients with head injuries or spinal cord damage. A type of cell that previously was thought only to help fight infection also promotes nerve regrowth and neural regeneration. 5 Types of white blood cells (granulocytes): …

boost stemcells naturally

Top 6 Ways to Boost Your Stem Cells Naturally

Stem Cell Regeneration Center Blog, nutrition, Research

Stem cells are the fundamental building blocks of the human body. Cells can differentiate and reproduce any tissue such as heart tissue, muscle, cartilage, bone, or liver. Newborn children have a lot of circulating stem cells that are needed for development and can quickly help them recover from infectious diseases and injuries. As we age, the quantities of circulating stem …

future of neuroscience

The Missing Link Between Brain & Immune System Discovered

Stem Cell Regeneration Center Blog, Research

Most classically trained medical professionals don’t really give our lymphatic systems a lot of though in making diagnoses for neurological disease. In fact, many patients can even have parts of their lymphatic system such as a spleen removed with little or no immediate side effects. Without our complex lymphatic system however, our circulatory system is incomplete. The fact is that …


Scientists Unable to Reproduce STAP Cell Breakthrough

Stem Cell Regeneration Center Blog, Research

Science is a tribute to what we can know although we are fallible. – Jacob Bronowski Biologist Dr Haruko Obokata of the RIKEN institute in Kobe Japan has been unable to reproduce pluripotent results from a controversial “Acid Bath” technique involving mice derived adult stem cells. The technique was coined STAP or “stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency” and made international headlines …

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Discover Neuro-Mesodermal Progenitors & Cinderella Cells

Stem Cell Regeneration Center Research

The human spinal cord,skeleton cells and muscle cells are all created from cells known as NMP’s or neuro-mesodermal progenitors. The formation of these vital cells has remained a mystery until now. These cells are created in a complex yet carefully timed signal by a growing embryo which instructs the neuro-mesodermal progenitor cells to differentiate into the various types of cells …


Multipotent Mesenchymal Adult Stem Cells (MSCs)

Stem Cell Regeneration Center Glossary, Research

Mesenchymal (MSC) derived stem cells are the bodies own restoration system. Nature allows MSC cells to deliver a homing signal that helps recruit other stem cells in the body to mobilize and “fix” an injured area.  Researchers at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine have recently reported that MSC Mesenchymal stem cells are much better prepared to begin the bodies natural …