Effective Ways to Increase Your Lung Capacity Naturally

7 Ways to Increase Your Lung Capacity Naturally

Stem Cell Regeneration Center Blog, Lungs

The lungs play a critical role in proper body function by allowing for the effortless exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. It’s not until we have difficulty breathing that we notice, But the truth is, our lungs need just as much daily care and attention as our body does. Specific lung exercises can help it work more efficiently. This can …

Parkinson's disease TCE Trichloroethylene

Rise in Parkinson’s disease linked to common household chemical

Stem Cell Regeneration Center Blog, cancer

Scientists believe a ubiquitous environmental contaminant used in household products such as carpet cleaners, shoe polishes, and carpet cleaners might be responsible for the development of neurodegenerative movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease (PD). Parkinson’s disease is already one of the fastest-growing neurological disorders globally, with developing nations reporting an increase of over 30% in the last ten years. The …


A Closer Look at Inflammation: Natures Healing Response

Stem Cell Regeneration Center Blog

We all know what happens when you get a cut. It gets red. It hurts. It might swell or even become extremely warm. While there are certainly more severe cases, this is a typical example of inflammation. Inflammation is part of your body’s natural healing process. When the body detects an injury, infection, or toxic substance, it sends white blood …


Neutrophils Can Reverse Brain Damage for Stroke & Spinal Injuries

Stem Cell Regeneration Center Blog, Neural Stem Cells, Research

Researchers have just announced discovering a new type of white blood cells (leukocytes) that can save dying/degenerated nerve cells and reverse damaged nerve fibers in patients with head injuries or spinal cord damage. A type of cell that previously was thought only to help fight infection also promotes nerve regrowth and neural regeneration. 5 Types of white blood cells (granulocytes): …

Superfoods fight osteoarthritis

10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Fight Osteoarthritis

Stem Cell Regeneration Center Blog, nutrition

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disease affecting middle-aged to older adults in 2024. OA and joint arthritis are typically thought of as a “wear and tear” condition of the joints. Still, new research has shown that OA disease affects the joint’s entirety, including joint lining, cartilage, ligaments, and bone. OA is indeed much more common in the elderly …

new Stem cell therapy for Autoimmune Disease

MSC+ Stem Cell Treatment for Autoimmune Diseases in 2024

Stem Cell Regeneration Center Blog

A diagnosis for autoimmune disease happens when the patient’s immune system mistakenly attacks their own body. Our immune system normally protects us from germs, viruses, and borrelia bacteria. When the immune system senses these foreign invaders, it takes an army of cells to attack the threat. Under normal circumstances, our immune system can distinguish dangerous foreign cells from cells produced …