amniotic membrane cell

Amniotic Stem Cells & Amniotic fluid stem (hAFS)

Stem Cell Regeneration Center Glossary

Amniotic derived cells are found in the amniotic fluid and membrane. They are also considered adult stem cells and are known to have a multifunctional capacity and multiple potency as well, as these can develop into osteogenic, myogenic, adipogenic, hepatic, neuronal, and endothelial cells.[1] Amniotic derived stem cells are the result of a unique mixture of cells from both amniotic fluid …

aulogous stem cells

Allogeneic Stem Cells & Allogeneic cell transplantation

Stem Cell Regeneration Center Glossary

As opposed to autologous stem cells, allogeneic stem cells are isolated from donors then expanded into different cell lineages before given to patient needing a mesenchymal stem cell transplant. Unlike autologous cells allogeneic cells do not require surgical or painful extraction methods and can be safely given to replace patients own stem cells that have been destroyed by disease, injury …


Adult Stem Cells

Stem Cell Regeneration Center Glossary

Also referred to as “somatic stem cells,” adult stem cells are known as undifferentiated or “blank” cells present in the body. In spite of its name, adult stem cells are present in both adults and the young. Their primary purpose is to compensate for the degenerative cells by replacing them through multiplication, and the eventual repair of damaged tissue. The …


Mesenchymal Stem Cell Isolation & Expansion of MSC+ Cells

Stem Cell Regeneration Center Blog, Glossary

Mesenchymal (MSC) derived stem cells are the bodies own restoration system. Nature allows MSC cells to deliver a homing signal that helps recruit other stem cells in the body to mobilize and “fix” an injured area.  Researchers at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine have recently reported that MSC Mesenchymal stem cells are much better prepared to begin the bodies natural …