
Medical Scholarship for Students of ASEAN Heritage

Purpose of the Scholarship:
The Regeneration Center is pleased to be able to continue offering scholarships to motivated Undergraduate and Graduate science,medical or biology students of Southeast Asian heritage across the world to help in the furthering of their education.

Our annual grants is  offered one time to help provide funds for anyone looking to acquire knowledge in the field of healthcare, science, biology, mathematics and especially for those who would not have the financial abilities to pursue such such an education.

Our 2025-2026 scholarship contest provides a $1000 Dollars (€ 890 Euros ) cash prize to the winner of an essay contest

It’s Your Dream… Let Us Help.

How to Apply:
All candidates must submit an original essay between 500 and 1000 words in answer to the following question:

How will the Regen Center scholarship help you in your career goals?2025 Essay Question

Frequently Asked Questions

1) Who is eligible to apply for the Scholarship?

All undergraduate and graduate students of ASEAN ancestry currently enrolled in or intending to enroll in an accredited college or university studying medicine, science or Biology for the 2025-2026 academic year.

ASEAN Countries Include:Asean-Countries

  • Brunei Darussalam
  • Cambodia
  • Indonesia
  • Lao PDR
  • Malaysia
  • Myanmar
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • Philippines
  • Vietnam

2) When is the deadline the essay entry?

++NOTE++ The 2024 Scholarship Entry Deadline Has Passed. The winner of this year’s contest will be published shortly after acceptance and verification of educational status.

Thank you to all the participants for submitting your essays.

For those that did not win, you are all encouraged to re-apply for our 2025-2026 Scholarship Essay contest which is open now.

In order to be considered for next years award, all written essays must be submitted to us no later than December 31,2025.

3) When will we announce the winners?

The winning essay will be selected exactly two weeks after the scholarship deadline ~ January 14th.  We shall notify the winner and request the required documents from the schools to confirm contest eligibility.

4) How will the essays be judged?

All essays shall be evaluated based on their originality, clarity and creativity.

5) How does the winner receive their scholarship?

The $1000 cash prize will be sent directly to the winner via certified check to the winner or financial aid offices at their respective university or college.


Submission Rules:

  1. All Essays must be submitted via the form below in Word document or PDF Format.
  2. All Essays must be written in English only.
  3. Limit one entry per contestant.
  4. Essays must be original and reflect her/his own research, thinking and writing skills.
  5. All Submissions are limited to 1,000 words Max.
  6. Any Incomplete entry forms shall be be disqualified automatically.


  • Brunei Darussalam
  • Cambodia
  • Indonesia
  • Lao PDR
  • Malaysia
  • Myanmar
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • Philippines
  • Vietnam

Scholarship Application

"*" indicates required fields

Your Name*
Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, txt, Max. file size: 2 MB.
Please Upload Your Essay in .doc, .docx, .pdf, or .txt only
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

For any additional questions regarding our 2025-2026 scholarship. Please contact us at  scholarship [at]


For the winning submission, we will need the following documents to verify your eligibility:

(a)   Liability release and consent for Publicity

(b)   Copyright Statement acknowledging the submitted work was original

(c)   IRS Form W-9 ( For US Residents )

(d)   Form 1099-Misc ( For US Residents )

(e)   Copy of Your School ID


2013Amy L. KangUniversity of California Riverside65
2014Asher KurniawanStaffordshire University in England111
2015Darareaksmey OngRaffles international college237
2016Adda Najma MacabantogAsian Institute of Computer Studies322
2017Atith ChanmonyTsinghua University397
2018Alice Kong-KeaFudan University445
2019Eric LiangFairleigh Dickinson University580
2020Dechen TaiwajuleeTaichung Medical University331
2021Anna NguyenThe Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)278
2022Suraj RavelSaba University School of Medicine305
2023Kyaung Duu KyaungUniversity of Medicine, Mandalay411
2024Sharifa Noor RahimUniversity of Malaya534